Board of Higher Secondary Open Education Delhi
( An Organization for Non-Formal Private Open & Flexible Education )
An NGO registered with Govt. of Delhi,
NCT Delhi under Indian Trusts Act, 1882
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization
Helpline No.
  • 9430 166 742
  • 9204 314 232

   Chairman's Message

Education empowers an individual. Education is all about dignity. Education drives away Ignorance and through illumination it emboldens a man to a righteous thought and action. It empowers a woman and enlarges the horizon of her mind. It energizes a person and enables him to earn his living with respect and dignity. 'Education has an acculturating role. It refines sensitivities and perceptions that contribute to national cohesion, a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit --thus furthering the goals of socialism, secularism and democracy enshrined in our constitution'. Education helps a man to become a more responsible citizen. The country has reached a stage in its economic and technical development when a major effort must be made to drive the maximum benefit to all sections of the society. The fruits of change and the overall growth should percolate to the lowest strata of the society. Education is the High Way to that goal.

"There has been an increasing awareness that the people of the country should be looked upon as its valuable resource, indeed the most valuable resource and that our growth process should be based on the integrated development of the citizen, beginning with childhood and going right through life. It is increasingly realized that all relevant instruments and agencies contributing to or responsible for this growth should be integrated in order to ensure all-round development."- On the lines of this spirit, I have the confidence and conviction that my Trust's trusted soldiers can carry the torch of learning further ahead , with added strength, courseware, qualitative dissemination of knowledge, virtue and morality. It may become a brilliant morning star in the arena of qualitative education, research and an unending contribution to man and society at large.

Against this background, it gives me immense pleasure to announce the commencement of this Non- Formal Distance and Continuing Education Programs to promote greater access to quality education for school drop-outs, children and girls, working-class men and women who cannot attend whole day schools. Through our quality delivery system, we endeavour to provide good education for all at their door steps and consequently achieve the target of 'Universalisation of Education' at the primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary level. It is now acknowledged by the academicians of all shades that it is "Learning" which is important and not the channel or the process through which one gets enrolled for education. I whole heartedly thank the parents, guardians and the students for their faith in us for being a part of our endeavour and patronizing the initiatives of our Trust.

Sincerely yours,




New Result

Registration Verification



Admission Form

Declaration By The Student

Students of Board of Higher Secondary Open Education, Delhi



BHSOE Delhi is purely a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) motivated by its mission to create a better world through Education. Before taking admission, candidate student must read:

1. Prospectus
2. Admission Form
3. Declaration By The Student

Student must become fully informed and aware of the status of the Board by reading the above three. Then decide to take admission. Otherwise, do not.

N.B.: Before undertaking any program of studies in the Board, BOARD OF HIGHER SECONDARY OPEN EDUCATION DELHI strongly advises interested applicants to consult with licensing authorities, professional associations, colleges and universities, and prospective employers to determine with clarity if the study program of this Board will meet their professional and educational requirements.

   Latest news


   Board of Higher Secondary Open Education Delhi is an Autonomous purely Private Non-Formal Open & Flexible Education Organization mainly for drop-outs. It was legally established and created by getting it registered with the Govt. of Delhi through Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (Registration No. 3553, BOOK NO. 4, VOLUME NO. 1570) in the year 2011. This is purely a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) motivated by its mission to create a better world through Education. It is a Non- Govt. funding and Non-Govt. affiliated purely private autonomous organization. Its status and utility of its courses have been sufficiently explained and delineated through its Prospectus, Admission Form, Declaration Form which have been always readily available on its websites i.e. & This is not equivalent to any Central Govt. or State Govt. Board which are very categorically stated in its Prospectus, Admission Form and Declaration Form from its very inception. Now it is up to different organizations to decide whether to accept or deny the certificate for employment purpose as per their norms and regulations.

   The organization presently is no more in operation. It has been closed and wound-up through legal Resolutions taken by the members of the Governing Body dated on 20.01.2019. The Trust keeps its website only for verification purpose for the few students who passed out from this organization.

   Any Govt. registered Society or Trust can offer education for which the organization was primarily and solely created and established for. All the relevant information like organization’s status, the utility of its offered programmes should be sufficiently explained and delineated through its Prospectus, Admission Form, Declaration Form and through its website so that all stake-holders and students can take decision as per their personal, aspirational, professional, employment-related and educational requirements. Board of Higher Secondary Open Education Delhi has maintained this honesty and integrity in this regard.

   Activities of the private education boards are not barred or banned by the Law of the Land. The few such organizations which are running successfully till date are: Council of Secondary Education, Mohali (, Jamia Urdu Aligarh (, Grameen Mukt Vidhyalayi Shiksha Sansthan (, Jharkhand State Open School ( etc.

   Now it is up to the students to decide from where they will pursue their course keeping in mind their personal, aspirational, professional, employment-related and educational requirements. They do have number of options under the sky like Central Govt. / State Govt./ Govt. equivalent boards and also purely autonomous Private Education Boards.